Saturday, July 01, 2006

It has a title!

I've been having a real bad artist block lately. For the last several weeks I was supposed to work on my new play, another one-man-show. This one will feature several folktales from different countries in their language of origin. Don't ask me how people will understand! :-) I know that will be a challenge and that's exactly why I've been having a mental block. It has been difficult to find a good structure around it. Last night I was talking to a friend about different issues (not about the play). He was down and I was a little down, too. We talked for a long time and very late at night. When we ended the converstion I think we were both feeling much better. I attempted to go to bed but it was impossible to sleep. Then many ideas just came to my head, like rain, like a cascade, like a big storm. I immediately went to the computer and started to put all that down. I ended up with
1) A title for my play: "barquitos de papel - paper boats"
2) A draft of the dramatic framework for it
3) And a picture for postcard and promotion, here it is
More updates about my new play soon...

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