Wednesday, October 28, 2009

First test for "El dueño de la Luz" shadow puppet (no narration)

I've been working on my first shadow puppets show to do for my Spanish classes. It's a story based on the Warao legend on the creation of the sun and moon.

I know that I have to rehearse more and there are lots of things that I need to correct. But I would appreciate your feedback. I will add the narration in my next version.

As I said, this is my first shadow puppet show.. so be nice! :-)

Thanks! Gracias!

(can you guess what the story is about without hearing the narration?)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Experiment with Google Voice and World Languages

I was wondering how well could Google Voice handle languages other than English. Well... you can probably guess that not well at all. It also had a hard time with my accent. Now I wonder why nobody understands me! :)

Here is the message I recorded:
(English) My name is Paulino 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.  (Spanish) Mi nombre es Paulino. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco. (French) Je m'appelle François.   Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq.  (Italian) Mi chiamo Paulino. Uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque.

This is what Google Voice transcribed for me:
"Yes, my name is Paul when you you know 12345 number there is no you know or no. Those today's quite down so you can call you should not there. As far as well, and to park cut price sick, we can hopefully you know. Winnowed do it today, quite touching course."

And this is the recording.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Bailemos Juntos for CIS (College in Schools) Spanish Field day at U of M 10/19/09

I love dancing. I’ve been dancing since I was a little kid. At El Lago del Bosque (Concordia Language Villages) we love dancing, too. We do some traditional dances and also line dances with Spanish music. Almost 10 years ago a groups of friends from ELDB (Kika, Alicia and Luz) and I decided to bring the fun of line dances from ELDB to the classroom and started presenting those dances at different conferences for World Languages Teachers: IWLA, MCTLC, Central States and soon ACTFL ‘09! The presentation is called Bailemos Juntos

Our presentation is usually a big hit because not only we teach fun dances but the four of us have so much fun presenting together that we fill the room with our energy and enthusiasm.

Sometimes I get to do Bailemos Juntos by myself. Usually at schools. Today I presented Bailemos Juntos at the U of M for the Spanish Field day of CIS (College in Schools). There were more than 500 high school students. I made them all dance!

This is my third year presenting for CIS Spanish Field day at U of M. I hope I have enough energy to do it for a few more.

For more information go to Bailemos Juntos