Sunday, April 24, 2005

Spring Break almost over

Tomorrow (Monday) is that last day of my Spring Break at Spring Hill School. I really appreciated the extra free time at this time of the year (I was still teaching my ULC classes). I was also happy to accomplish many things this week:
* More time going out with friends.
* My appartment if finally a little more organize. Some boxes put to storage.
* As part of the appartment organization, I arranged a low table exclusively for my yarn and knitting projects! So I hope now I will be able to do more projects and finish some that I started.
* I am finally registered at MCTC (Minneapolis Community Technical College) to take classes. This summer I will finally start taking classes towards a BA in USA.
* I took a Master Dance Class in CUNNINGHAM technique. It was awesome. It was a beginners class but I was very motivated by it. I'd like to start taking dance classes again!

Today I saw "Pulse", a movie made by the creators of STOMP. It featured musicians and dancers from around the world. I could barely keep my feet still. Another reason to continue dancing and keep movings.

Future projects:
* I will continue working on a one-man-show for children about Don Quijote.
* I might start dancing tango again.

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