Thursday, December 14, 2006

Kinder Surprise

Yesterday I received a package from my mother. Since I came to USA she has this habit of sending me a nice small package with a few items that I like of that she manages to put it without going over the weight for a certain postal rate. This package is for my birthday, of course: December 22nd. So this one came a little early.
It included a few healthy granola bars, a small calendar (theme this time: angels. It's usually "saints"), a b-day card, needles (yes, needles... since I am into knitting and sewing now) and a Kinder Surprise chocolate egg. This latter is my favorite candy! I used to eat a lot in Argentina and then during my travels to Europe. They don't sell them here.
Inside the chocolate egg there is plastic egg and inside that one there is a surprise. Usually a small plastic toy that you have assemble. Over the years I have collected many of them. Don't ask my why but I brought them with me to US and now they are on display! Yes! I almost forgot to post it here. My collection of Kinder Surprise has been on display at my local library (Franklin Library in Minneapolis) for about 3 weeks now. Here are some pics:


Astraeus said...

that sounds soo very very nostalgic

Astraeus said...

d yu mind if i link ur blog to mine....

paulino brener said...

nostalgic.. hm.. may be a little bit.. but i love my little toys!
they always remind me of imagination and child energy!
you should see the faces of the children at the library when they look at my collection!

paulino brener said...

please, go ahead.

happy linking! :-)