Sunday, April 02, 2006


I have always being a big fan of the greatest Argentine actress Norma Aleandro. There are almost no words to describe her work. I have recently searched on Netflix for all her movies and put them in my queue. Last week I received "Cleopatra", where she shares the screen with fresh Natalia Oreiro and handsome Leonardo Sbaraglia. But Norma keeps surprising me. The movie has lots of similarities with "Thelma and Louise" (movie that I also like): two women abandon their "regular" lives in search for happiness . The main difference here is the age difference, so Norma and Natalia naturally bond in a mother-and-daughter-like relationship.
The scene that moved me the most, brought tears to my eyes and made me love Norma (and her character) even more is that when Cleopatra is driving on the road, Natalia and Leo sleeping by her side, and she "discovers" her happiness while listening to Francisco Ortega's "Que Tan Contenta". Her transformation is incredible. She really proves there she needs no words at all. Diosa!

Cleopatra (2004)


A raucous road movie that reads like a South American THELMA AND LOUISE, CLEOPATRA scored six nominations at the 2004 Silver Condor Awards, Argentina's equivalent of the Oscars. Prominent Argentine actress Norma Aleandro stars as the title character, a retired schoolteacher who becomes restless after her children have left home; her husband Roberto (Hector Alterio) is an alcoholic from whom she is estranged, and she is unsatisfied with her life and her inability to make ends meet. Cleopatra decides to pursue her lifelong wish to be an actor, and in the process meets Sandra, a soap star whose dissatisfaction mirrors her own. They decide to go on a weekend getaway together, and the adventure they share is one that nobody is likely to soon forget; they encounter love, heartbreak, and a string of unforeseeable events that are sure to keep audiences on their toes!

Tí­tulo original: Cleopatra

Sinopsis: Cleo (Norma Aleandro) es una maestra jubilada, casada con Roberto (Héctor Alterio), que lleva dos años desempleado, y madre de dos hijos que viven lejos de Buenos Aires. Hasta ahora, Cleo ha sido todo cuanto se esperaba de ella: buena madre, buena esposa, luchadora y compañera responsable. Pero ni ella misma sabe lo que puede llegar a ser si se lo propone. Sandra (Natalia Oreiro), en cambio, es todo lo que los demás han hecho de ella: estrella de televisión subida al tren de la fama, alocada, bulí­mica, caprichosa... En el fondo, una provinciana desprotegida cuyo ­ímpetu aún debe medir. Setenta y dos horas serán suficientes para que ambas mujeres empiecen a ser, de una vez por todas, ellas mismas. Hartas de sus rutinas, se lanzan a vivir un fin de semana diferente, pero no saben que han dado el primer paso para cambiar definitivamente el rumbo de sus destinos. En el trayecto conocerán a Carlos (Leonardo Sbaraglia), un joven de barrio que se suma a la aventura.

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